Curse of Strahd is a low-magic, high-fantasy setting. This is because the commodity of magic within Strahd’s domain of Barovia is scarce and the magic that once existed is either hidden away or...
Tag: dungeons and dragons
To create an epic D&D Adventure, be it a one-shot, campaign or side quest, you will need the following resources:
Once a breathtaking valley, Barovia is now a dank, joyless, wasteland whisked away into a demiplane mastered by vampire Strahd von Zarovich. The entire area is now surrounded by deadly mists and is a...
Combat in D&D 5e has five stages: determining surprise, establishing the environment (including all characters), tracking initiative, everyone taking their turn, and then moving to the next round. It...
Lycanthropy in Dungeons and Dragons 5E grants players immunity to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage from non-magical or non-silvered weapons, increased ability stats, allows players to...
Players interested in becoming dungeon masters often have one simple question: is it fun to DM? There are quite a few different responsibilities that DMs take on, and the gameplay inherently changes...