Players interested in becoming dungeon masters often have one simple question: is it fun to DM? There are quite a few different responsibilities that DMs take on, and the gameplay inherently changes...
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Lots of new players to DnD are interested in becoming a dungeon master but are afraid of the seemingly heightened responsibilities. Dungeon mastering, or DMing, can often be seen as hard and...
Descriptions in DnD are vital for engaging players and ensuring that the game is run smoothly. They are a key part of how your players will engage with the world. Being descriptive can be tough...
Dungeons and Dragons has been a popular table-top adventure game for years. Each game includes a Dungeon Master that plans the entire world for the characters involved. But have you ever wondered why...
What is the urchin background? The urchin background means the character grew up alone and poor, learning street skills and developing knowledge of cities. This character survived despite the odds to...
Vampires are one of the most widely recognized and feared monsters in Dungeons and Dragons. They are an often lethal combination of speed, intelligence, and power and can easily be the final boss of...