How do you use tools in Dungeons & Dragons 5e? Having proficiency in a tool means more than just being allowed to carry around a hammer and chisel. Tools should allow players to:
Posts by Halfling Hannah
Legendary tactics are part of what makes these creatures so terrifying. While they make the battle more interesting, the question becomes: How should a Dungeon Master use them to create more epic...
How to Connect Character Backstories in Dungeon & Dragons 5e
How do you connect all your player's backstories together to create a singular story in which all can participate? While there are a lot of moving parts, weaving together backstories doesn't have to...
How to Use the Frightened Condition in Dungeons & Dragons 5e
When adventuring, your party will likely come across a variety of creepy and terrifying monsters. Certain monsters could even leave them running in fear, unable to cope with what they are seeing....
Everything in Dungeons & Dragons has an AC or Armor Class. This number indicates how difficult that thing is to harm. Determining AC for players is relatively easy, however, how do you know the AC...
You spent countless hours planning the perfect encounter. It is perfectly balanced, the monster is terrifying and your players are...on their phones. Does this sound familiar? How can you keep your...